The zoo in Winter
My Journey,  Travel,  UK Travel

Top Reasons to Visit the Zoo in Winter

We’ve all been there, on a scorching hot day in the middle of the summer holidays. Queueing in the car and struggling to find a parking space, queueing around enclosures trying to get a peek of the animal roaming around or sunbathing. More queueing at the cafes and ice cream stands. 

Visiting a zoo is often seen as a fair weather day trip. But from experience I have found I spend the majority of it queuing and weaving in and out of crowds. Until this year that is.

This year I took a trip to my local zoo Marwell in early December. And I have to say I managed to see so much more than I would have if I went during peak time in the Summer.

Here are my reasons to visit the zoo in winter months instead:

Marwell House in December

Less people

Winter is off peak and means less people are likely to be there. Yes the weather isn’t always great and it’s cold. But less people means less queues. Can you tell I have queues? On my recent trip we didn’t have to queue once for anything. Not to get a parking space, to get into the zoo or to see any of the animal enclosures. I also went on a week day to use up some spare annual leave and this also meant no school children. 

It was very peaceful, quiet and just pleasant to walk around at our own pace plus I actually had time to read the information about the animals in each enclosure which I usually wouldn’t be able to do. 

It’s cheaper

Being off peak often means it is cheaper. This isn’t the case with all zoo’s but with many the ticket prices are lower and so a good incentive to visit the zoo in winter.

You get to see more of the animals

Not only do you get a clearer view of the animals in the enclosures due to less people, we also found that some animals choose to be in their inside enclosures which meant you could see them clearer. If not they were out and about being more active instead of sleeping which I often find when I visit in the summer as it’s too hot for them.

Additional Attractions

Some zoos have additional attractions in the winter months to try and entice more visitors. This is an additional bonus. Marwell for example had large scale Lego statues of the animals and other zoos often have light displays. 

Visiting the zoo in winter
Lego Statues were an attraction this year

Charity and Conservation

Many zoos are linked to charities and wildlife conservation projects. The fees from your tickets may go towards these. Conservation is incredibly important, it helps with restoring habitats in the wild, breeding programs for endangered species and research and analysis that helps towards a better future for the planet. 

The penguins were enjoying the cooler weather

To make sure you get the most out of a winter trip to the zoo here are my following tips:

Dress appropriately

It might be wet weather or muddy so wear the right footwear. Take a waterproof and an umbrella just in case it rains. And make sure you wear appropriate clothing so that you don’t get cold when looking at the outdoor enclosures.

Plan your time

The days are shorter in winter so make sure you plan your trip with plenty of time to see everything. Some zoo’s close earlier too when it starts getting dark, earlier in the evenings.

Try to go on a weekday

If possible visit on a weekday. It will be even quieter and you’ll have a slow paced and enjoyable day. 

Have you ever visited the zoo in winter? If so how did you find it?