About Me

Launched to help women who want to create a beautiful life full of achievement and experiences. This site is for the dreamers, the go getters and the bucket list lovers. 

If you love travel inspiration, setting goals and challenges along with a little bit of self help guidance then you are in the right place. 

Do you…

  • Have some fantastic goals but you aren’t sure how to go about achieving them? 
  • Want to create the ultimate bucket list? 
  • Need to shake up your life, set new challenges and make a plan? 
  • Want some travel tips and inspiration?
  • Feel like you aren’t moving forward?

Don’t worry! I’ve got you covered!

Hello, my name is Elizabeth and I am obsessed with lists, achieving goals and travelling!

In between working my way through a huge bucket list and setting myself the challenge of visiting every county in the UK and Ireland I am also busy growing a small business and devouring self help books. 

A month before my 31st birthday I felt completely down and lost. Convinced I was behind where I should be in life. So I made the decision to really knuckle down and create a life full of wonderful experiences and fulfillment. See the more detailed version here

I wanted to share my travel journey with people but also what I had learnt about self development and hitting goals with other people who might be in the same boat what I had learnt and so Atlas and Bloom was born.

I’m constantly learning and each time I find something that works I love sharing it with you .

So if you want to shake things up a little bit, set and achieve some awesome goals then sign up to my weekly newsletter for tips, tricks and help along your journey.